Set primarily in Atlanta and bouncing back and forth between 1985 and 2035, the book takes the reader on a wild ride that skirts the past and the future and coats it with a southern flavor.

Here’s the gist of it: the son of the victim of the unsolved 1985 murder has grown up to become a successful and very influential U.S. Senator. As a member of the committee to oversee the Historical Event Research Organization (HERO), he pressures the organization to assign an officer to travel back in time to that fateful day to bring back the story of what really happened and who murdered his corporate executive father.

Everything proceeds according to plan until the assigned officer, Army Ranger Captain Marc McKnight accidentally interacts with the beautiful, smart and full-of-life Merrie McAllister in 1985, preventing her from meeting her future husband. This alters history and affects the descendants of the Tyler family, including McKnight’s teammate Winston Tyler III. Now, McKnight must repair the damage he caused and complete the original mission. Despite his efforts, he runs into Merrie again, creating more wrinkles in history. Even worse, McKnight knows that she is one woman he cannot have.

The plot ping-pongs between an unrequited  love story, science fiction/murder mystery, and a paean to the city of Atlanta—past and future.

Megahee is a skillful writer (and frequent contributor to SouthernReader), and, establishing hard and fast rules and parameters for the process, he actually helps the reader believe in the exciting plausibility of time travel.

Once you accept that possibility, you find yourself rooting for the hero and agonizing over the life-and-death and past-present-future decisions he has to make regarding his lost-in-time potential soulmate.

For information on ordering “Time Enough,” check out Megahee’s website:

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