E-Publisher's Corner
David Ray Skinner grew up listening to the radio; Some things never change...they just trade out radio dials for a keyboard and a mouse.

Grin and Bury It
Regular contributor Lisa Love shares an amusing memoir that you can sink your canines into.

A Colorful Tale of Peacocks
A book review of Niles Reddick’s new novel, "Lead Me Home."

Nashville in the Rearview
An excerpt from Niles Reddick’s “Lead Me Home” in which the novel’s protagonist, Max Peacock leaves Nashville to move back to where he grew up in South Georgia.

Dancing in the Rain
Rachel Anne Skinner offers up a touching tribute to her grandmother.

Napoleon is Gone Now,
But That Day He Wasn’t Gone

Poetry by Charlton Walters Hillis.

The Battle at Hoover’s Gap
Tennessee historian Shirley Farris Jones recounts a little known, but fairly important, battle that affected the outcome of the Civil War in Middle Tennessee.

The Summer of Love
A short story set in the Summer of 1967 and a universe away from San Francisco.

The Chicken Coops
Poetry by Danny P. Barbare.

The Goat Man
Tom Poland remembers an usual character and his animals.

Take One-Six!
Writer Ron Burch shares a memory of a flying lesson he’ll never forget.

Post Office Box 1314
Norcross, GA 30091-1314

David Ray Skinner

Jann Marthaler

Regular Contributing Writers
Ron Burch
Lisa Love

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